TV Detective Database

As much as I love Murder, She Wrote, I’m well aware there are lots of other great detective shows out there and I certainly don’t restrict myself to just watching MSW.

Part of my goal in building this website is to make it a resource for fans of the genre to discover (or re-discover) old and new mystery shows.

To that end, I’ve created some pages that aim to list the chronology of detective TV. It’s still a work in progress but I hope to keep expanding this website regularly and I welcome your feedback.

American detective shows by decade/year

British detective series by decade/year

Detective shows in other countries

TV movies

Blog posts


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If you have any ideas for posts you’d like me to write, or lists you’d like me to compile, let me know in the comments.

1 comment

  1. Looking for a British Police/detective/mystery show about a DC or DI that was troubled and looking for his son. I recall it had 7-9 seasons. The lead consulted frequently with a police psychiatrist. His department consisted primarily of women (DC or DS) who did forensic pathology and detective snooping. He finds his son in one of the last seasons and the son dies.


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